Podcast Schedule Template

Podcast Schedule Template, within the Milanote app

Manage your workflow from idea to recording.

Once you've published a few episodes, you'll need a way to manage your workflow. This template will allow you to structure your process in a way that works for you. You'll likely have multiple episodes in progress at any one time, so this lets you see where everything is at in one view. You'll also see which areas need your attention. For example, do you have enough show ideas in the backlog or should you be focusing on finishing the shows already in progress?

Milanote lets you easily drag and drop images, videos, links, text, and notes, so it's easy to stay up to date.

This template is part of our guide on How to plan a podcast.

  • Collect everything in one place
  • Organize visually
  • Streamline your workflow
  • Improve efficiency & teamwork
  • Assign tasks & due dates
image everything one place@2x

Collect everything in one place

Milanote is the visual way to collect everything that powers your creative work. Simple text editing & task management helps you organize your thoughts and plans. Upload images, video, files and more.

image organize visually@2x

Organize visually

Milanote's flexible drag and drop interface lets you arrange things in whatever way makes sense to you. Break out of linear documents and see your research, ideas and plans side-by-side.

Moodboard collaboration

Collaborate with your team

Milanote boards can be a private place to think, or a shared workspace for collaboration—you're in total control of who sees what. Instantly see your team's changes, leave comments, and never miss a thing with smart notifications and alerts.

Organize your ideas & plans in one place.

Podcast Episode Plan Template
Podcast Episode Plan Template, within the Milanote app

Collect & organize your research.

Podcast Research Template
Podcast Research Template, within the Milanote app

Plan your podcast outline, script and talking points

Podcast Outline Template
Podcast Outline Template, within the Milanote app

Creative professionals from these companies use Milanote

Start your Workflow

Manage your podcast episodes from start to finish.