What's new
iPad Beta & Safari features:
- Long press to start a marquee selection (multi-select).
- Double tap on the Apple Pencil to switch modes while drawing.
- No drag delay if a card is already selected.
What's changed
- Fixed exports occasionally coming back blank.
- Minor bug fixes
iPad Beta & Safari fixes and improvements:
- Prevent virtual keyboard from showing after dropping onto collapsed columns.
- Double tap to create a new note should now correctly focus the new note.
- Smoother scroll into view when a new note is dropped and the virtual keyboard overlaps it.
- Made comment attaching less "sticky".
- Comment button hit target size changes.
- Allow scrollable comments to be dragged.
What's new
Sharing: A new board sharing experience. Designed to make it easier to choose how you share, and who you want to share with.
What's changed
Fixed a bug that caused issues with payment for some users.