Visual planning for Content Creators

Brainstorm YouTube video ideas, write scripts, create a content calendar, and organize production workflows.

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Kickstart your YouTube channel

Whether you're a seasoned creator or just starting out, organization is key! Define your channel's niche, set some goals to work towards and grow your audience.
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Master video planning

Streamline your YouTube content creation process. Organize research, generate ideas, and collect everything you need to make engaging videos.


Brainstorm engaging content

Stay inspired by organizing your thoughts, explore new concepts, and plan out videos that capture your audience’s attention.

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Craft concise scripts

Break down key talking points, structure your dialogue, and upload support materials to keep your story focused and engaging.

  • Upload background music
  • Add supporting imagery and video
  • Share your final script with co-hosts
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Manage a consistent posting schedule

Maintain viewer interest and grow your channel by keeping track of video ideas, managing weekly uploads, and keeping a checklist of where to announce videos when they go live.

Secure and private

Our infrastructure is designed for security, constantly monitored & always available. All of your data is hosted in an environment with world class security and privacy.

  • Real-time backups.
  • Notes encrypted both at rest and in transit.
  • Strict policies and controls to prevent Milanote staff from accessing your content.

Map out your vision, goals & more.

YouTube Channel Plan Template
YouTube Channel Plan Template, within the Milanote app

Organize your research, ideas and script.

YouTube Video Plan Template
YouTube Video Plan Template, within the Milanote app

Generate ideas for your next YouTube video.

YouTube Video Brainstorming Template
YouTube Video Brainstorming Template, within the Milanote app

Map out the key talking points for your next video.

YouTube Script Template
YouTube Script Template, within the Milanote app

Organize your YouTube video research.

YouTube Video Research Template
YouTube Video Research Template, within the Milanote app

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