Visual Art Research Template

Visual Art Research Template, within the Milanote app

Research your next art project

Thorough research helps artists understand their subject matter deeply, explore different styles and techniques, and ensure that their work is both original and relevant.

Milanote is the perfect platform for conducting and organizing this research, offering a versatile space to collect reference images, notes, and links. With Milanote, artists can seamlessly compile and access their research materials, enabling them to stay focused and inspired.

  • Understand your subject matter
  • Add reference images, links and more
  • Organize visually
  • Share with your team & clients
  • Export to PDF
image everything one place@2x

Collect everything in one place

Milanote is the visual way to collect everything that powers your creative work. Simple text editing & task management helps you organize your thoughts and plans. Upload images, video, files and more.

image organize visually@2x

Organize visually

Milanote's flexible drag and drop interface lets you arrange things in whatever way makes sense to you. Break out of linear documents and see your research, ideas and plans side-by-side.

Moodboard collaboration

Collaborate with your team

Milanote boards can be a private place to think, or a shared workspace for collaboration—you're in total control of who sees what. Instantly see your team's changes, leave comments, and never miss a thing with smart notifications and alerts.

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Start researching your next art project

Research your art project