Film Shot List Template

Film Shot List Template, within the Milanote app

Capture everything on the day with a shot list

Coordinating a film shoot can be stressful and costly, especially if that critical shot is missed on the day. But a clearly defined shot list will make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

It's essentially a structured plan that outlines each individual shot, its description, camera angle, composition, movement, and any other specific details needed to capture it effectively. Shot lists are crucial for ensuring that the filming process is organized, efficient, and aligns with the director's vision

This template is part of our guide on How to plan a film.

  • Create a checklist of shots
  • Organize visually
  • Share with your team
  • Comment & gather feedback
  • Export to PDF

How to use this template

Follow this step-by-step guide to learn the modern process of making a film shot list in Milanote, a free tool used by top creatives.

1. Start with an empty template

The Shot List template is filled with checklists, image placeholders and empty notes to help you list out your essential shots in minutes.

Template Film ShotList Step1
How to do this in Milanote
  1. Create a new board for your shot list.

    Create a new board

    Drag a board out from the toolbar. Give it a name, then double click to open it.

  2. Choose the built-in Shot List template.

    Choose a template 

    Each new board gives you the options to start with a beautiful template. Find the Shot List template, then choose "Use this template".

2. List the scenes

Start by listing the main scenes you'll be filming. Adding references images or sketches will make your shot list easier to scan—even if they're just rough photos you've taken on your phone. Shot list images are important because they aid in the:

  • Clarity of Vision: Images can convey the intended composition, framing, and visual style directly. This reduces the chances of misinterpretation or miscommunication among the production team.
  • Visual Storytelling: Filmmaking is a visual medium, and images on a shot list help map out the narrative by providing a snapshot of how each scene contributes to the story.
  • Reference During Filming: On set, the director and cinematographer can refer to the images to ensure they capture the shots as intended, even if they're dealing with time constraints or other distractions.
Film shotlist template step02
How to do this in Milanote
  1. Upload images to your board.

    Upload a file or document  

    Click the "Upload file" button or just drag a file onto your board. You can add images, logos, documents, videos, audio and much more.

3. List the individual shots you need

This is the heart of the shot list. It's where you list each individual shot you require. Some details to include are: camera angle, location, position of the camera, and shot size (how big or small the subject is in the frame).

Film shotlist template step03
How to do this in Milanote
  1. Create a new to-do list for each of the specific shots.

    Drag a to-do list onto your board

    Start typing then press "Enter" to create a new item. Add a title to your to-do list using the left hand toolbar.

4. Add extra details

Add any specific details about how you'll film on the day. These might be reminders about the tone, mood, composition or how the camera should move through the scene.

Film shotlist template step04
How to do this in Milanote
  1. Use note cards to add extra details.

    Drag a note card onto your board

    Start typing then use the formatting tools in the left hand toolbar.

5. Add a simple gear list

What equipment will you need to shoot these scenes? Imagine being half way through filming when you realize the spare battery pack is still in the studio. Adding a simple gear list will ensure you have everything you need on the day. It's a lifesaver!

Film shotlist template step05
How to do this in Milanote
  1. Use a note to list your equipment.

    Drag a note card onto your board

    Start typing then use the formatting tools in the left hand toolbar.

6. Share it with your team

While a shot list is usually written by one person, it's important to make sure everyone is on the same page. The goal here is to gather feedback and create the final shot list. Scratch any shots that aren't required and add any new ones that you've missed.

Film shotlist template step07
How to do this in Milanote
  1. Invite a team member or client to provide feedback.

    Invite editors to your board

    Open the "Editors" menu from the title bar of your board. Add email addresses of the people you'd like to collaborate with—they'll receive an invitation via email.

  2. Start a comment thread.

    Start a comment thread

    Drag out a comment from the toolbar on the left and place it on your board. Other editors can reply to your comment.

  3. Mention teammates to get their attention.

    Mention teammates to get their attention

    Type '@' in any text field to mention someone who has access to your board. They'll receive a notification and be able to respond to your comment.

You're done

Now that you've finished creating your shot list you can feel assured you won't miss anything on the day of filming. You'll also experience a smoother production process and a more visually cohesive final product. If you're about to start shooting, try the film shot list template below or try one of our other film templates.

Start your shot list

Stay organized with a shot list