Designers use Milanote to organize their projects

Arrange your projects, drafts and ideas into flexible visual boards.

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Choose from over 500,000 free built-in images (or upload your own!)

The right images can break or make a moodboard, and finding them is half of the job. That's why Milanote integrates with Pexels to give you instant access to a huge library of free professional photos to drag and drop into your boards.

  • Search by keyword or choose from images that are automatically recommended based on the content of your boards.
  • Upload your own images with Milanote's simple drag and drop interface.
  • Supports all common image formats including JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG and many more.
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Save ideas and inspiration from around the web

Install the Milanote Web Clipper to instantly save text, images, videos or links to your boards from any website you visit. The one-click interface lets you save inspiration in seconds.

  • One-click interface lets you save inspiration in seconds.
  • Supports saving of images, links, videos and text.
  • Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars on the Google Chrome store!
Michael Robertson

The web clipper is an essential companion to the stellar Milanote application. It makes adding images, text and rendered links to your boards almost effortless.

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Add videos, fonts, files and more

Moodboards don't have to be static any more, and the best ones are so much more than just images. With Milanote you can easily add videos, animated GIFs, colour swatches, PDFs, design files, fonts and more when you create a mood board.

  • Drag and drop files from any folder on your computer.
  • Use built in text notes to add descriptions or explain your thinking.
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Just enough formatting

Milanote's simple text editor lets you add headings, lists and other simple formatting without overwhelming you with complex options.

This means that instead of getting distracted by choosing from dozens of fonts, you can focus on the content of your notes and relax knowing that everything will look beautiful by default.

  • Simple keyboard shortcuts let you format text instantly.
  • Any Markdown you use is instantly transformed into beautifully formatted rich text.
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Collaboration on demand

Whether you're creating a moodboard with other people or you need to get someones approval, Milanote's built in commenting, sharing and notifications make collaboration easy.

  • You're in total control of who can edit, comment or give feedback on your boards (all boards are private by default).
  • Share a secret link to any board (no signup required to view).
  • Download a high quality printable PDF of any board.

Creative professionals from these companies use Milanote

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